Music + Songwriting

Josh has released six worship albums and several singles that have been sung in churches around the country. Josh’s song “First Love” with Brian Doerksen was nominated for song of the year by the Canadian Christian Music Awards and his album Radiant soared to #5 in iTunes Christian / Gospel in the first week of its release.

Josh has written with Jason Ingram, Chris Renzema, Mia Fieldes, Ethan Hulse, Brian Doerksen, Paul Baloche, Jonathan Smith, Benji Cowart, and several others.

Josh hosts an annual writing camp called “Songs By The Bay” with his friends from Twin Lakes Church.

“When I was a young boy, my mom Brooke had a regular evening ritual after she tucked my brothers and I into bed. She would sit in the living room, strum her twelve string Takamine acoustic, and sing songs to Jesus written from the heart. I’ll never forget drifting off to sleep with lyrics, melodies, and imagined orchestration filling my mind. Our house was filled with hallelujahs. Since then, I have come to understand worship is not only music expressed from the hearts of God’s people, but includes our entire lives lived by faith for Him.”

